General Revenue is the funds raised from the taxes used for different purposes. However, this revenue is not specifically designated for a particular purpose like payroll for state workers or road maintenance. Since general revenue is considered discretionary, it is up to the people who handle this fund to decide where revenue is spent. In some instances, an income is also considered a general revenue if it is from the investments by the government and not dedicated to another purpose.
Using the funds earned by the government in pursuing its objective to serve its people is the most efficient way to run the government. As opposed to income obtained from particular sources and one-time transactions, knowing the general revenue is a critical component of an efficient budgeting process. Presenting well the proper accounting of all the expenditures and expenses to the people it serves is a sign of good governance. Funds for routine operations is from general revenue as well since it is reliable and more predictable.
The General Revenue Program (GR) is a program offered to Dallas county residents with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) and families registered with Dallas Metrocare Services. This General Revenue Services program is available to individuals with Medicaid and those without. The GR program strives to keep IDD individuals in their natural home offering in home Respite care. The program’s goal is to preserve the health and safety of each IDD individual while providing essential support to primary caregivers. For more information click the link below.
The inter-government transaction should be handled appropriately when considering the total revenue received by the government. It will avoid misinterpretations of overlapping income.
General Revenue Service Programs
Program revenues, unlike general revenues, are designated to specific functions. This revenue lessens the net cost of the function financed by the general revenue. Categories of program revenues are separated depending on the statement of activities. These are the three categories:
Service charges- Charges of services are the charges from applicants, customers, and others that purchased or directly benefit from the services, goods, or privileges directly affected by the service. It includes permits, license, lease income, payments for services and goods, and privileges charges.
Program-Specific Grants and Contributions- Results from voluntary and mandatory non-exchange transactions with other organizations, individuals, or government are included in the category.
Earnings on investments- If not held by permanent funds, investments’ profits can be legally restricted to specific programs.
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